Find Opportunity in Difficulty
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”
-Winston Churchill
In these unprecedented times the insurance industry is rapidly altering how they do business. Forman & Associates is here to help you navigate these uncertain waters. Most carriers are well positioned to handle Social Distancing and touchless/electronic processes to sell insurance. If you have not attempted to use these technologies, these are paramount in the current environment.
Carriers are temporarily liberalizing exam limits up to $10,000 of Personal DI or up to $25,000 of Overhead Expense Coverage to limit the need for physical contact. And if an exam is necessary, Paramedical companies are responding to do everything in their ability to keep applicants and themselves safe from COVID-19.
Ameritas is also introducing a less invasive, less time-consuming Life underwriting process for your clients ages 18-60 with a new accelerated underwriting program up to $1,000,000 of coverage.
Our carriers all have E-Apply processes that you can access for taking an application without seeing a client. We can also bridge this process if you are not comfortable with E-Apply by incorporating DocuSign. This is a great product for E-Commerce, and it carries a 30-day free trial.
We are here to help your business thrive as much as possible.
How can we help you see opportunity?